
Diving Polignano a Mare


Immerse yourself in the heart of Polignano a Mare, many opportunities to live these places from another point of view.

Let's find out Incine Tower, characteristic cove of fishermen and destination of many divers; Pigeons Cave ; Portalga, a small creek characterized by a wonderful submerged world; Isola S. Paolo, better known as "Scoglio dell'Eremita", on top of which there are the ruins of a chapel dedicated to S. Antonio Abate (1612); The Bastion S. Stefano; Cala Fura and the Cave of Cala Corvino.

For more information please contact our booking at
    +39 347 9545819
    +39 080 6452132
or send an e-mail to

Dimora Pascali

Via Pino Pascali
Polignano a Mare - BA
+39 347 95 45 819

CIS: BA07203561000017609
CIN: IT072035C100025649

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