Tasting and gastronomy

Tasting and gastronomy - Polignano a Mare

Apulia, flavors, scents, emotions ... discover together the Apulian gastronomic tradition!

Excellent tastings, lunches and romantic dinners await you in many typical restaurants in the north eastern part of the country where tradition and taste blend fantasy and genuineness.

Simple meals and unspoiled flavors are the main features of Apulian cuisine. The main ingredient is the oil, produced by powerful secular olive trees, which gives flavor to each recipe.

Our passion is to let you know these goodnesses!

Discover our offers   A suggestive culinary and cultural stay   Romantic getaway

For more information please contact our booking at
    +39 347 9545819
    +39 080 6452132
or send an e-mail to

Dimora Pascali

Via Pino Pascali
Polignano a Mare - BA
+39 347 95 45 819

CIS: BA07203561000017609
CIN: IT072035C100025649

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